Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Love is so not worth it!
I love you! I love chocolate. I really loved The Hunger Games!! What's not to love? The love of my life. I really love writing on this blog!
No seriously, I do.
So, what exactly is love?
The truth is, it behooves me to talk about the ironic lack of love in the "love" some of us express through our words and actions.
Now, some people may believe that love does not exist. Well, they very well may be right. In today's world, there exists the paradox of the oversimplifications of love and its intricate complexities. For some, love can be defined very simply as a feeling of strong affection directed towards an object. For others, love is very complex. Example: "When love beckons you, follow him, (even) though his ways are hard and steep... For even as love crowns you, so shall he crucify you." ~ Gibran Kahlil Gibran
So as I asked earlier, how do we measure or define what love is?
Can we accept the following statements as love?
I love you, so I will kill anyone who harms you.
I love you, so I have to lie to you about the mistress I have on the side.
I love you, so.. (you know, you get the point).
Is this really love? Is this why people don't believe in its existence?
Based on my past experience, I have always considered love an utter waste of my resources (time, energy, money, experience, and whatever else I have to spend on that guy that thinks he's all that!). You feel me don't you? You could love a person and have them not love you back, (or vice versa). Two people could love each other and it would never work out simply because the timing wasn't right. Gosh, I hated having to go through that.
So, is it worth it to love, considering the possibilities of rejection, defacement, ridicule and sorrow?
Well for me, yes! At least, the God-kind, Agape.
You see, most of the times people express love, they probably are talking about phileo/storge (brotherly love), or mania (obsessive love), or pragma (realistic love), or eros (passionate love), or ludus (sport love).
We hardly mean agape (unconditional love).
Its the giving kind of love. The one that doesn't require a "receipt" or show of gratitude.
So yes, I want to love! I want to agape! Even if it means getting rejected (although I do not wish for that).
It's so worth it!
Soon, we will explore the dimensions of the agape kind of love, because in the simplicity of this kind of love, therein lies its complexities.
See you tomorrow!
Or will I?
Monday, January 20, 2014
The Solution to Sin
Sin is awful! Mostly because it makes me feel guilty. It draws me away from God and I don't feel worthy of His love.
So the solution to sin? Love.
I'll tell you a story. A long time ago, I had a boyfriend. Oh how I "loved" him. He gave me everything I ever asked for not expecting anything in return. As a result, I started to take advantage of him, I would wake him up in the middle of the night just because I could not sleep. He never complained. He just gave. And I received. I was selfish. It all came crashing down soon enough! There's so much you can give without getting anything in return. Give and Take. Phileo. That's the human-life. The human kind of love. This is not the love I am referring to.
As Christians, we live the God-life. Agape. Our standard for love should be based on God and not a trade by barter system. Now some of you may compare yourselves to my story saying, "Umm.. I am not like you. I would never do that. I love my family, friends and significant other." So you love your best friend? Good job! The quote above says it all.What's the fun in loving those who love you. Haven't you ever felt a thrill of excitement by offering help to a stranger? It's this unexplainable feeling of warmth + joy + peace all wrapped up in one.
We talked earlier on how fear and selfishness are the only two reasons why we sin. For me, I struggle more with selfishness. I am so overly concerned with my appearance, brains, attitudes, friends and so much more. It's always been all about me. So, let's get rid of fear and selfishness.
How to eradicate fear:
1 John 4: 18 says "No fear exists where his love is. Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear..."
Like I said yesterday, Fear indicates a misdirected trust but Love trusts God always! If you love God, trusting him always, you have no fear in you because regardless of the circumstances that you may be facing, there is something that stands true more than anything else, God and his love for you. The Lord is your shepherd, even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you should FEAR NO EVIL! In the same way, if you are capable to replicate this God-kind of love to God and others, you would not fear any person or circumstance because of the knowledge of God's love residing in you.
How to eradicate selfishness:
J.R. Miller rightly states that "Love is always ready to deny itself, to give, sacrifice, just in the measure of its sincerity and intensity. Perfect love is perfect self-forgetfulness." How could you sin when your focus is on something else? Forget yourself! Seek ye first God's kingdom, and everything, I mean EVERYTHING ELSE will be added unto you.
Let me give you a hint. The moment you start to pray to God that you want to stop sinning, you are still being selfish. Why? Because it's still about you. You don't like the way sin makes you feel so you want to stop. No, a thousand times No. Just forget yourself. Focus on satisfying God, loving him and others; months later, you will find yourself without sin. You will be so past it, you won't even realize it.
So how do we get this God-kind of love? Hmmn.. just thinking about how I started to have the God kind of love excites me..
I'll see you tomorrow!
Or will I?
Saturday, January 18, 2014
The MATH Problem of SIN: Let's Solve It!
Hello! I know I have taken a break from telling my story... that's partly because I felt pressed to talk about the the questions I feel a lot of Christians and non-Christians ask. But back to my story, Jesus found me again and this time I was sure I wasn't going back. But as you may know, I started to sin (or fall short of God's glory as the Bible says).
I started to wonder, "God, I have accepted Jesus as my savior and believed that he died for my sins. Old habits are dead, everything has become new. I am a NEW CREATION! Why then do I still have lustful thoughts, or lie about my grades or covet my best friend's successes? Come on! Why?"
And he told me (yes, we are in the 21st century and God actually talks to people), "You don't know me!"
"Ok! Hold up! I don't know you? You know more than anyone else that I read the Bible everyday. I have quiet time. Heck I even started tho blog because I wanted to share you with the world. Come on! You know that's not true." I retorted.
......... Well I was waiting for a reply just as you all are but .. Nothing!
That was the end of the conversation.
Due to my persistent nature, I set out to find out what that meant. After studying the Word and listening to some Christian messages, it came to me.
You see what God meant was I don't trust him. Trust is so powerful that the lack of it could damage you and your relations with others. According to Erik Erikson, during infancy, children go through a Trust vs. Mistrust stage. If children have no parents or caregivers to trust, it is predicted that they will have a hard time trusting anyone for the rest of their lives, even themselves. Crazy huh!
So what does this have to do with sin?
Well the Bible states in Romans 14: 23 KJV "...for whatsoever is not of faith is sin."
Meaning, SIN = (-)negative FAITH
If I do not trust God, I will lie, steal, murder and do whatever it is you might call sin.
A Christian who steals a car simply does not trust that God can provide his needs (in this case a car)
Let me take this a step further. the only two reasons why we sin or do not trust God are fear and selfishness.
Fear: Anything done in fear indicates a misdirected trust (i.e trusting the wrong thing). One who is scared of dogs, trusts in the ability of the dog causing harm rather than in the trust of one being able to fight the dog (depending on the dog, its always best to run). If I was born in a country that prosecuted Christians, chances are that I may lie about my faith out of the fear of being tortured or killed. Therefore, this fear indicates my trust in the ability of others rather than placing my trust in God knowing he will save me.
Selfishness: A selfish act indicates the need to benefit oneself over others. Stealing, murder and lust are all acts of selfishness. If you focus on yourself alone rather than on God and others, I put it to you, YOU WILL SIN!
(note: the two don't have to occur at the same time to be called sin)
To every basic math problem, there is a solution.
I know the solution to sin. Do you?
Let me know in the comments section below
We'll talk more later.
See you tomorrow!
Or will I?
Friday, January 17, 2014
Why do we suffer?
Let us imagine for a second that evil does not exist. The world has never known evil. You wake up in the morning, take a shower and dress up for work. You get in your car, no crazy drivers on the road, no stop lights, the world just seems peaceful. You get to work, there's nothing for you to do because there exists no problem (evil) needing a solution. You get off work, hang out with your friends and talk about how good life is. Really? That's the world you want to live in? A toy world. A world that knows no darkness because of the continuous presence of light. A world that asks no questions, that has no hope because everything is available. There is no lack, poverty or suffering. Really?
In Man's Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl rightly states that “If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering.”
Why then do we suffer?
In order to answer this question we have to understand where suffering came from. Where exactly did this idea of injustice, cruelty and suffering come from? The answer is goodness.
If you are like me, there are probably a countless number of times you have left food to spoil in your fridge. You become aware of this as a result of either the pungent smell or the nasty taste (hopefully the former).
From this illustration we can see that good can become bad. And that is how suffering ensues. Perverted Goodness (more of that on here).
Now the next question would be,
"Fine Dupsy (my nickname btw)! You win. Why then does God allow us suffer?"
"Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having." ~ C.S. Lewis
I will admit that in some moments, I really wished for God to take away this idea of free will, just so we can stop fighting each other and causing pain to one another. But then, in the moments of my happiness, I want free will. I want to actually feel good when I get a car, promotion or what not. So you see, suffering has to exist alongside happiness.
Fortunately for me, this cool guy came to me and told me I did not have to suffer anymore. He said he would die for me so I could go on living. He said he would be my strength when I become weak. That he would stand up for me, when I am bullied. How could I resist this offer? How could anyone?
Oh, he also said this offer was not of a limited edition. He wanted me to let everyone know that his offer still stands. So, do you want to take him up on it?
I did! We'll talk about what happens after that later.
See you tomorrow!
Or will I?
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Let us try to disprove God!
In an attempt to disprove God, I found myself proving him more and more. Now, most Christians would attest to the fact that we all doubt God's existence at one point or the other. For me it was an either-or situation. Either God existed and I did not want to admit to the fact or He does not exist and all Christians are living a fatuous life.
The first option was at the time impossible for me to imagine. I mean how could I be wrong? (I am human after all).
The second option was easier to believe at the time and so I set out to prove it.
After reading books and doing a lot of research, I made out this argument.
Premise 1: The so-called God claims to be perfect (good, all-knowing, supreme, supernatural, and whatever great word he has been dignified with).
Premise 2: The so-called God claims to have created the universe and all that is in it (including man).
Premise 3: The universe is not good (aka there lies the existence of evil).
Conclusion: God is either not perfect or does not exist.
If this God is not perfect and does not live by his claims, he is obviously not worthy of my worship or even interest. Hence, it was only natural for me to claim that God does not exist.
I was wrong.
Now let me tell you why.
If man is a part of the universe that this so-called God created, how is it supposed to rate its creator?
It's as ridiculous as clay trying to determine the credibility and ability of the potter (with failed attempts of course).
Why then do we try to determine God's perfection?
Secondly, what is perfection anyway? How are we as humans able to discern what goodness is? Does this not suggest that there is a locus (form of measure) for what goodness is?
If you are with me so far, it means you agree that there is a standard we use to measure good and evil.
If you are not, pretend that I am right for a second.
What is this standard (or at least who created it)? Please do not tell me that humans created this standard! That's just a bunch of hogwash. No offense.
This standard is God!
That's the purpose of this blog.
- to tell you my story.
- to let you know that God exists.
- to convince you that He and He alone created the universe.
- to let you know that most Christians have absolutely know idea who God is.
See you tomorrow!
Or will I?
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Does God exist?
In reiteration of the quote above, the knowledge of God can
only be revealed. No scientific knowledge can prove God’s existence. This is
because evidence can only inform a decision, not determine it. (I know you may be gasping in incredulity, just wait.. I'll explain).
Proof or evidence provides information about a certain topic, but the minute that information is deemed wrong, it ceases to be of importance. For instance, a
long time ago, Pluto was considered one of the planets of the solar system with
good evidence. Now, this is no longer the case because the once good evidence
was disproven or overridden by some other information newly gained. See what I
So, in continuation of yesterday’s story, after countless
periods of wrestling, God found me! Sadly, it was at my lowest moment. For me,
this moment was equivocal to a sworn enemy of mine seeing me fail and offering
some help.
Boy was it horrible!
Now many of you may be wondering, “How did you
know he found you? Was there some handwriting on the wall, a clear loud voice
in the midst of chaotic noise or are you just delusional?”
Well, we will find
out tomorrow. In the meantime, I leave you with this food for thought from a European
philosopher and social critic.
"One cannot appeal to one’s own idea of God to establish that
God does not exist." ~ Bo Jinn
See you tomorrow!
Or will I?
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
There is no God
"To think that God existed, I must have been foolish. To think that there is a supreme being, who cared for me and loved me unconditionally, how preposterous!! Faith??? Are you kidding me? I have come to my senses now. I am facing reality. There is no God! Even if he exists, He does not love me. His plans for me are not good and would probably fail."
These were my thoughts one month ago.
For that one month, I wrestled with God or at least the idea
of him. I loved him and hated him. I left the Christian walk of faith and began
to blend in with the world.
Hello there,
If you have read this far, it probably means you are
interested in how my story ends. Sorry! My story has no end, hence this blog. J
Thanks for stopping by.
See you tomorrow!
Or will I?
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