Thursday, January 16, 2014

Let us try to disprove God!

In an attempt to disprove God, I found myself proving him more and more. Now, most Christians would attest to the fact that we all doubt God's existence at one point or the other. For me it was an either-or situation. Either God existed and I did not want to admit to the fact or He does not exist and all Christians are living a fatuous life.

The first option was at the time impossible for me to imagine. I mean how could I be wrong? (I am human after all).
The second option was easier to believe at the time and so I set out to prove it.
After reading books and doing a lot of research, I made out this argument.

Premise 1: The so-called God claims to be perfect (good, all-knowing, supreme, supernatural, and whatever great word he has been dignified with).
Premise 2: The so-called God claims to have created the universe and all that is in it (including man).
Premise 3: The universe is not good  (aka there lies the existence of evil).
Conclusion: God is either not perfect or does not exist.

If this God is not perfect and does not live by his claims, he is obviously not worthy of my worship or even interest. Hence, it was only natural for me to claim that God does not exist.
I was wrong.

Now let me tell you why.
If man is a part of the universe that this so-called God created, how is it supposed to rate its creator?
It's as ridiculous as clay trying to determine the credibility and ability of the potter (with failed attempts of course).

Why then do we try to determine God's perfection?

Secondly, what is perfection anyway? How are we as humans able to discern what goodness is? Does this not suggest that there is a locus (form of measure) for what goodness is?

If you are with me so far, it means you agree that there is a standard we use to measure good and evil.
If you are not, pretend that I am right for a second.
What is this standard (or at least who created it)? Please do not tell me that humans created this standard! That's just a bunch of hogwash. No offense.

This standard is God!
That's the purpose of this blog.

  • to tell you my story.
  • to let you know that God exists.
  • to convince you that He and He alone created the universe.
  • to let you know that most Christians have absolutely know idea who God is.

See you tomorrow!

Or will I?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Insightful!
    You made great premises when you attempted to disprove God's existence
    and an even greater one in proving that He does.

    Keenly looking forward to whatever you have in store.
